Pockets of flowers

Out in the garden yesterday, I found myself looking at spots of colour here and there. Now that we're in November, the main splash continues to come from the Schizostylis and Fuchsia 'Genii' combination. It's become quite a focal point as you look towards the back garden.

And then there's the herbaceous border. Where not so long ago there was an abundance of flowers, any colour that is there now is much appreciated, mostly provided by those plants hanging in there despite the colder weather. One of the Diascia is still blooming, our the blue Geranium and the Rudbekia seems to have another flush of flowers.

Many of the tender Fuchsia are now under protection from frost, which has been quite bad here over the past week. Some, surprisingly, still have flowers and this one looks particularly well.

Yes, there are small pockets of here and there, which I know will be short lived as we head further into the colder weather, but will enjoy them while they're here.

Happy gardening.
