The desolation of ...

Well, after a nice bit of hibernation away from blogging and other forms of social media, I had intended my first entry to be a reflection on the gardening year that was 2013.
Instead though, nature has reminded me that things don't always go as you plan, and it (nature) can provide great opportunities to rethink things.

So what am talking about? Well recently I went to see the new Hobbit movie, 'The desolation of Smaug'. Little did I know when I was admiring the movie sets and cinemography that I would experience my own version! And, without saying another word, let me show you the remains of my greenhouse and border after the recent high winds and storm.

Yes, complete and utter distruction of the very area that was to be one of the sheltered 'toastie' areas over Winter has been all but decimated. 

The panels on the greenhouse are a transparent light plastic, many of which were spotted taking off into the upper atmosphere, a bit like Dorothy's house in the 'Wizard of Oz'! I have already recovered some from trees close to the area, but will have to take stock to see what's not there.

A big immediate priority is to look after the tender plants that are now exposed to the elements, particularly the cold, frost and ice. I have some ideas on this which I can put into action quickly.

Then there is the greenhouse. I'll have to see how I'm fixed for panels. The last thing that needs to happen is that it is repaired and there are spaces where the next high wind gets in. No, some planning needs to take place, and careful consideration as to what I need to do to 'future proof' it. 
The back fence also needs to be tidied up. It's funny, but I quiet enjoy seeing the countryside beyond our border. I'm not convinced that simply putting the fence back up is the obvious thing to do. No, as with everything, there is opportunity here, so let's see where that goes. 

The good news is that my recently erected arch, and my totally exposed glasshouse, have both held fast, again reinforcing that any work done is worth doing properly. And yes, I am an artisan gardener on a tight budget, but quality work and materials payoff ten times their worth! 

But for now, today is a 'tidy up' day, getting those plants tucked away and begin to plan for rebuilding in early 2014.

Happy new year.
